French Adult Placement Tests

Each test is composed of 40 questions.
This quick placement test is indicative and will serve only as an initial assessment.
For the most accurate results do not use any help (dictionary, internet, friend sitting next to you :) and do not guess the answer (leave it blank instead).

Bonne chance !
Good Luck !

Beginner level test

Suitable if :

  • you took French in High School or College for less than 4 years and never had a chance to practice.
  • you recently took french lessons but no more than 60 hours.
  • you only know basics things about french (e.g. you learnt few things from a friend of yours).

Elementary level test

Suitable if :

  • you took French in High School or College for more than 4 years but never had a chance to practice.
  • you recently took French lessons for more than 60 hours and less than 140 hours.

Intermediate test

Suitable if :

  • you took French in school and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels…).
  • you recently took french classes for more than 140 hours.

Advanced level test

Suitable if :

  • you have been learning French for a long time and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels…).
  • you are fluent in French.

French Children Placement Tests

Each test is composed of 20 questions.
This quick placement test is indicative and will serve only as an initial assessment.
For the most accurate results do not use any help (dictionary, internet) and do not guess the answer (leave it blank instead).

Bonne chance !
Good Luck !

Beginner level test

Suitable if :

  • you recently took french lessons but no more than 30 hours.
  • you only know basics things about french (e.g. numbers, days of the week…).

Elementary level test

Suitable if :

  • you recently took french lessons but no more than 60 hours.
  • you only know simple conversation such as introducing yourself, asking simple questions…

Intermediate level test

Suitable if :

  • you took French in school and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels…).
  • you recently took french classes for more than 140 hours.

Advanced level test

Suitable if :

  • you have been learning French for a long time and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels…).
  • you are fluent in French.